August 10, 2015
Boyle Purchases Eight Paintings by Memphis City School Students
Boyle has completed a major renovation of 850 Ridge Lake Boulevard in Ridgeway Center that includes updating the building’s entrance, lobby, and common areas. In addition, Boyle purchased eight paintings by Memphis City School students.
“Boyle felt strongly about using Memphis artists depicting Memphisthemed topics to complement our commitment to the city and its continued growth,” said Mark Halperin, Executive Vice President and COO of Boyle. “I was in the Memphis airport and saw the paintings displayed there by the Memphis City School students and thought they would be the perfect fit for our 850 Ridge Lake building. John Vergos, our in-house architect, contacted the Memphis City Schools about purchasing them and I am pleased that the paintings are now on display in the lobby because they’re a great fit for the space.”
Tenants at 850 Ridge Lake include ServiceMaster, McVean Trading Company, Physician’s Postgraduate Press and SunTrust Capital Markets. Because Boyle constantly upgrades and renovates our buildings at Ridgeway Center, the park’s vacancy rate is consistently three percent lower than that of the overall East Memphis submarket. Boyle also has a high tenant retention rate due to our commitmentto upgrading our properties.